Untuk kali ini, ceritanya akan berawal dari salah satu kota besar yang ada di negara bagian Amerika Serikat. New York, tepatnya di Manhattan, 15 Central Park West.
Kalau kamu berani bertanya, kalau saja sih, coba tanya Reception dibawah kepada siapa penthouse seluas 626,5 meter persegi seharga 45 juta US dollar dijual, sudah bisa dipastikan atas nama Gaby Lavelle.
Jika memungkinkan meskipun tidak mungkin, kamu bisa mengunjungi atau sekedar mengintip dibalik sela pintu penthouse mewah itu, bahwa penghuninya hanya satu manusia ditemani berbagai ukuran kanvas lukis dan dua buah harpa, satu berwarna putih susu dengan ukiran namanya dan satunya lagi berukuran lebih kecil berwarna ungu pastel.
Hari ini penthouse mewah itu kedatangan tamu tetapnya selama enam tahun terakhir. Herannya tamu tetap itu bukannya duduk manis menyeruput teh selayaknya tamu pada umumnya, melainkan mondar-mandir meracaukan rentetan kalimat yang hanya dibalas anggukan singkat dan suara berdeham dari sang tuan rumah.
“Gee… come on, can’t you see how hard I try to help you find a man? Don’t you see how many times I need to persuade you just for a blind date? And now you messed up it again like you always did?!” Omelan Ziggy Gisella terdengar menyimpan banyak frustasi.
Gaby acuh tak acuh, setia duduk dengan tangannya menari-nari diatas kanvas bersama kuas lukis kesayangannya.
Pantang menyerah, Ziggy masih melanjutkan omelannya. Masih mondar-mandir tentunya, “Except for my job, you’re the one and only reason I go to NY for every damn fucking month. Your Mom and Dad are panicking because you didn’t even pick up their phone calls, and you haven’t stepped out of your penthouse for nearly two months like, gurlz…” Ziggy menjentikkan jarinya sebelum melanjutkan kalimatnya, “you gotta see the world.”
Gaby tak bergeming sedikit pun.
Tamu tetap itu, alias Ziggy Gisella akhirnya berhenti mondar-mandir dan berdiri disebelah kanan Gaby. “Do you even listen to me?”
Gaby mengangguk.
“Huft…” Ia menyerah dengan menghela nafas panjang. “Okay, let’s move to the next topic, and for today, lo dilarang ngalihin topik, you got it?”
“Hm.” Gaby meletakkan kuas lukisnya malas. “What’s brings you here this month?”
“I know four perfect guys for you. hihihi.” Tulang pipi Ziggy mengembang karena senyum lebarnya.
Sedangkan Gaby?
“Here we go again.”
“In our country, there is a gang called ‘Top four Nation’s Heart Stealer’ whom every woman from every different society wants to marry or maybe have a fling with,” jelas Ziggy sebagai pembuka. “and you know what? They’ve been friends since they were little. High society things.”
“First… the crown prince of the Aranjuez Royal family, Mike Aranjuez. He is the student of MIT. He is single but ready to mingle, but if you marry him, you have to be ready to live with the Royal family’s strict rules.”
Gaby menghela nafas pendek pertamanya.
“For the next guy, we have a professional drummer and bassist, Jake Alaric. He is from the most distinguished family who owned Gitanusa films, a big Indonesian film production company. He lacks nothing except his flirty ass side.”
Ziggy mencolek gemas hidung sahabatnya. Sedang Gaby sudah menghela nafas pendek yang kedua.
“The third one, is another flirty and sweet talker guy and also the nation’s pride archer, Harvey Dominic Dallas. Everyone can tell how rich you are if you have ‘Dallas’ as your surname,” Ziggy menelengkan kepala ke kiri menatap mata Gaby. “…but for this one, don’t you dare to think about dating him or even having a fling with him, he is already Violetta Abhimaya’s boyfriend.”
Gaby pun mengerutkan keningnya. “That ‘Violetta Abhimaya’??”
“Iya.” Ziggy membenarkan. “That one.”
“Are you done yet?” Suara tanya malas Gaby justru membangkitkan jiwa semangat Ziggy — sebagai sahabat yang supportive.
“Ck — I said, Top four Nation’s Heart Stealer, we still have one more left perfect guy.”
Gaby menghembuskan nafas panjang pertamanya.
“Lastly, Lazuardi Luca Navarez or Luca Navarez, is from the wealthiest ‘Famous’ Navarez Family, the head of Southeast Asia’s wealthiest business dynasty. He is probably one of the most dashing and attractive men worldwide. He’s kind to everyone but only falls for the one who attracts him,” tutur Ziggy dengan sangat detail dan menggebu-gebu.
Gaby lagi-lagi menghela nafasnya. “I don’t get it.”
“Well, as far as I know, and remember, he has never been seen with a girlfriend. There’s only one who always be with him, his secretary, but that’s all.”
“Cewenya lah itu, kedok aja sekertaris,” celetuk Gaby tiba-tiba berminat menanggapi. Ziggy menggeleng.
“That girl is already engaged. Luca tuh humble banget. He is soft, a man of manner, family-oriented, a great brother for her one and only sister, smart, wise, polite, and knows how to treat a woman, one of a kind lah Luca tuh. There is A but sih…he is also quiet, cold, and mysterious,” jelas Ziggy rentet.
“Lo gak tahu satupun dari mereka berempat, Gee?”
Gaby mengangkat kedua bahunya santai. “Nope.”
“Even their face? You must have heard about them somewhere, Gee…”
“Sorry, but not at all.” Gaby berdiri dari duduknya berjalan menuju dapur. “Zee, listen… I’ve stayed here for six years. Even when I went back to Indonesia, all I did was stay in my room, painting, playing Harpa, and hearing Mommy’s babbling every day. I work, I make my own money, that’s all. I don’t even need a boyfriend. I love being alone.”
“There is no way you haven’t heard about four of them, Gee. Cuma orang goa yang kaga tau mereka.”
Gaby menghela nafas pendek sembari mengarahkan jari telunjuk pada dirinya. “Well, maybe I am.”